More Questions For Hyper-Preterists
August 20,
(1) If the resurrection occurred at the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, then what was the essential difference in the condition of those who were of the wicked who arose from the dead in the resurrection of damnation one week before that destruction and one after that destruction?
(2) Do all of the wicked who are living share in this condition today?
(3) If the righteous dead were spiritually dead before A.D. 70 and are those who have been made alive spiritually speaking through obedience to the Gospel since A.D. 70, then who are those who had not fallen asleep before the A.D. 70 event and who thus were not spiritually dead at the time of that event?
(4) In what way were these "changed" instantly in the destruction of Jerusalem?
(5) If they were not spiritually dead and the change is in contrast with spiritual death, why does it not follow that all who were not spiritually dead prior to A.D. 70 suddenly died spiritually at some point in the course of the destruction of Jerusalem? NOTE: Paul specifically states that "we shall not all sleep, but shall be changed…" A. If the prior condition relates to their state before A.D. 70, then what is the "change" that is implicitly contrasted with it? Did they die spiritually? B. What essential difference came into being for them after the A.D. 70 event?
(6) And at what specific point in time were they changed? NOTE: Paul says the change would occur "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye."
(7) If spiritual death had already conditionally ceased to exist for those obedient to the Gospel before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.d. 70 (Rom. 6:3-18; Eph. 2:1-10), then what real difference was made when spiritual death was conditionally "destroyed" for those who had obeyed the Gospel prior to the A.D. 70 event and for those who have obeyed the Gospel since A.D. 70?
(8) As the apostle John lived both before and after the A.D. 70 event, what was the essential difference in his spiritual condition before and after the event that was effected by the resurrection from the dead?
(9) If the church was in th Grave of Judaism prior to the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, as William Bell and Don Preston both teach, then what was the condition of Gentile Christians, who were never under the Law of Moses (as Preston has admitted), prior to A.D. 70 realtive to that Grave?
(10) Is it the case that "spiritual death" was really not the last enemy destroyed in the plain and literal sense of the phrase "the last enemy"?